Friday, 15 May 2009

Lilash Review.

I have always had short, thin, stubborn lashes which I tried to plump up as much as possible with mascara, or else just give up and go for falsies. I was incredibly jealous of people with long, full eyelashes and wondered why nature had not blessed me with these. After all, my mother has lovely long lashes and even my boyfriend has camel-like eyelashes, though I'm sure boys don't really need them! Highly unfair!!

In a vain attempt to remedy this problem I purchased lilash from ebay in the beginning of February. At first I was skeptical, and after the first 4 weeks nothing changed and I thought that I had wasted my money yet again on a gimmick, but many of you encouraged me to continue so I carried on applying it twice a day along the top lashline. By 6 weeks I did start noticing a difference, and now at 10 weeks I have even had to trim a few of my eyelashes as they were touching my eyebrows and really getting in the way! Have I ever had this problem before? I think not!!

My eyelashes really have grown an incredible amount, but I would not say they have become much thicker or more in number, although I have noticed a reduced loss. Before lilash every night when I removed my makeup I would see a couple of casualties (and weep... not really!.. well, maybe a little), but now they seem much stronger and fewer lashes are fleeing each night :).

They have also become exceedingly curly, which would be great for people who have very straight lashes. However, for me, to be honest it is a bit irritating since it is very difficult to apply mascara as they curl back on themselves and make a mess. I would also caution those who wear glasses as I find the lashes make it somewhat uncomfortable.

Many of you have noticed the difference, even in my low quality videos, which I think is testimony enough! I now wear much less mascara and eyeliner and they still look long and full. I am extremely happy with the results! The evidence is clear in the photos.

Before lilash:
After Lilash:
I hope this review was helpful as many of you were enquiring about it.
Almost the weekend!


  1. Woah! Thats a huge difference but I can see what you mean about the over-curling being a potential smudge mess.
    I may just try it out!

  2. wow thats amazing! so they pretty much strengthen your lashes so you arent prone to lash loss. still good enough for me!

  3. wowwwwwwwwwww huge difference

  4. that is some serious growth - but I can understand the eyelash curling effect :)

    so glad to see that it worked for you!

    p.s. I love the new banner - did you style it and do the makeup?

  5. wow what a great product, it really works, your eyelashes look gorgeous!Like the new banner, is that your friend?!did you do the makeup?

  6. I'm gonna stick my neck out there and say I'm not sure about the longer lashes. They look messier, before yes they were shorter, but they were neat and pretty. I'm probably gonna get lynched for saying this but I prefer them originally xox

  7. @ladyb, yup styling, makeup, hair etc. She is trying to launch a new myspace as she is a fantastic singer so photos were for her album :)

  8. @holly, aww thank you! Yes, styling, makeup, hair etc. by me for her new myspace profile as she is trying to launch her singing career :)

  9. @dressjunkie, Oh no don't be silly, I do kinda agree, I like having longer eyelashes (a lot!), but they can be a bit of a mess. I now have to put mascara on to actually bend them down so they don't curl as much and keep brushing them through, yet they are still all over the place. Perhaps they will calm down a little when I finish the tube as I want to give them a break and see how they get on :).

  10. I'm glad you're not offended. I've always wondered what happens when you stop using these things!
    I tried the new formulation of Enormous Lash but it didn't give anywhere near these results, I wouldn't recommend it at all xoxo

  11. I haven't tried LiLash, but use Revitalash and thought the same thing at 6 weeks. It took about 8-9 weeks to see a noticable difference. I, too, have these amazing lashes. It's so fun to get comments! I've noticed mine are curlier, too. I've read that Revitalash has launched a mascara, that might be fun to try...

  12. I started using Li Lash about a month ago and I LOVE it! I had nearly no lashes at all. I had been wearing falsies and they were pulling my lashes out and making htem weak. It was awful! I was flipping out because now I HAD to wear them because my eyes were practically bald! So I had been reading all the reviews and settled on Li Lash and literally after 3 days I noticed the tiny lashes that were still in tact began to grow and then after 1 week I could go without the falsies. Still not where I wanted to be but not completely bald and then after 3 weeks i got significant growth and now it has been just a little more than 1 month and my lashes are starting to look nice and long and filled in. I have a few strays that are longer than the others and are curly. In fact I don't even need to use my lash curler. They are all growing in curled nicely. It is totally amazing and I can't wait to see what i get after another month of use!!! And even another month after that!! So happy.

  13. So do you still use Lilash, or do you put it away for a couple months and then start up again when they fall out? I really want to try Lilash, but I can't afford the price tag, say, every six months! :P Love the review!

  14. I linked this on my blog, hope that's ok :) x

  15. Hi

    Do you used in your eye brow also??

    Thanks & regards

  16. I have researched this product and it does contain the prostiglandin ingredients like latisse- a few non prescriptions still contain these its more of a legal issue than anything they probably all paid the big bucks for the patent rights. The first to use the ingredients were actually revitalasha and jan marini before lumigan aka latisse realized that their gloucoma med was also a lash growth factor...even though the discovery was not made by them they owned the patent to the ingredient for gloucoma so its their rights to let whomever pays them use the ingredients..jan and revitalash wouldnt lash factor and lilash apparently did

  17. Great product, your eyelashes are looking cool, its adding beauty to your face.

  18. I have used Li Lash for about 9mo. and am really alarmed at how the lashes fall out and go pretty much back to normal (but wow did they look crazy good for a bit there!!). It made me really sad to see them in the sink, on my pillow, washcloth etc. I am going to keep going through with it and see if there is a regrowth of some sort. Just want people to know this is not a permanent thing.


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