Sunday, 29 March 2009

Friday night purple

This is what I wore on Friday night for my friend's birthday party.
For my hair I used the babyliss conical wand.I had to order one off ebay after watching lollipop26's video!! I made the curls a little tighter as I knew it would be a loooong night and I did not want them to drop out too quickly. A ton of hair spray ensured that they were still in pretty good shape when I went to a housewarming party on Saturday, so I'm pretty impressed :).I used:
Maybelline dream satin liquid foundation (review coming up, but I love this so far!!),
MUFE lift concealer
MSF natural in medium
Nars laguna bronzer
Nars angelika blush
MAC moon river grand duo as highlight

MAC violet pigment, scene, print, carbon, vellum and vapour e/s.
MAC blacktrack fluidline
L'Oreal voluminous mascara

BarryM 101
Trifle lipglass

Thursday, 26 March 2009


I tried out a new look today. No winged eyeliner (gasp), just some on my upper waterline to make my lashes look a bit fuller, and a little smudged into my bottom lashes. What do you guys think? My eyelashes look longer, but I think I love the winged eyeliner look too much to give it up! hehe :)
I used a bourjois liquid metal eyeshadow as a base with retrospeck and mulch on top.

Bronze and Silver

Bronze and Silver look using
lilylolo bronze sparkle eyeshadow and silver GOSH eyeliner with lashings of L'Oreal Voluminous mascara :).


Monday, 23 March 2009

Too Dolly FOTD

A vibrant eye look using the MAC Hello Kitty Too Dolly Palette, fashion mews lipstick and tippy blush :).Maxie being a grumpy kitty, but so pretty with his coral flower.. teeeheee.

Sunday, 15 March 2009

The cycle of life/ my hair :)

After watching the ever dramatic makeovers on ANTM and reading fellow bloggers' posts about their hair history, I thought that I would do my own.

Now my hair is 'kind of a big deal', but being a lazy girl at heart I often 'wash and go'. I don't spend much time styling it, unless it is for a special occasion.

When I was younger I hated that my hair was curly/wavy and just wanted it to be poker straight, but I have grown to appreciate it :). It is not particularly thick, but there is lots and lots of it, and every hairdresser complains and tries to layer it to death to take the weight out. However, I prefer big hair and my go to styling option is heated rollers and backcombing. You know what they say- the bigger the hair, the smaller the waist, and I completely agree :).

So let us begin. The oldest photo I could find on my computer was me aged 16. My hair is long, layered and home dyed red, but it faded to an orangey hue in the strong sun as I was living in Bermuda at the time.
At 17, I decided to get a long side fringe, this is at school and I don't know why I look so scared...

I get bored quickly, so a few months later I had a full fringe cut in as I loved Beyonce's video at the time where she had a clip-in that looked stunning!
This is me in the beginning of summer 2005 (I'm 18) at my end of school ball with my bf at the time.
After spending the summer travelling my hair got much lighter in the sun. This is Fresher's week at uni- so Oct 2005

The next summer (2006) I decided I would try blonde, though it did not come out the way I wanted it to..

So I dyed it back to brown, but it went rather purple!
I just kept on dying it brown as the ends were stubbornly trying to get back to blonde, and it grew very long, almost to my waist, though you can't see it here...
I went for the chop, and got a wispy fringe in beginning of summer 2007.
In November 2007 I got blondey highlights.I then dyed it red in April 2008.

And back to brownThen I got a fringe again in Jan '09.. can you see a pattern forming here? heheThank goodness my hair grows like Jack's beanstalk.

Hope you guys enjoyed this trip down hair memory lane :).

Tuesday, 10 March 2009


I have finally given in and am now on twitter!
come stalk me ;)

Saturday, 7 March 2009

Lilylolo mineral makeup class

Today I taught my first mineral makeup class in Dermalogica in High Street Kensington. I was quite nervous at first as I have not done anything like this before, but it was a lot of fun and I am really looking forward to the next one :).
I decided to keep my makeup pretty neutral, but still polished.

If any of you are interested in taking this class or seeing lilylolo cosmetics in person you are welcome to book the next class. It will be at 11am on Saturday the 21st (and I believe it is free if you sign up to the Dermalogica mailing list). You can visit their site for more information or call to book a place on 0800 345 SKIN (7546).

Hopefully I shall see some of you there :).


Thursday, 5 March 2009

MAC Hello Kitty and Grand Duos

First thing this morning I literally sprinted to Selfridges for the MAC Hello Kitty event. Finally after waiting for months (why is the UK so sloooow?) I could get my greedy mitts on it :). I was also pleasantly surprised that the grand duo blush and mineralize skinfinishes were out today too so of course I had to get one :). Yay!I got tippy blush, too dolly quad, pink fish lip conditioner and fashion mews lipstick (modelled by Maxim).I also picked up the Moon River grand duo.. really unique and very pretty :).

Please keep your fingers crossed for my bf playing in Varsity tonight! Good luck baby!

Victoria's Secret inspired :)

Original video:

My take on the look:

I'm sorry my eyelids are so weird here... The house next door is being redecorated (though I think they are actually moving walls.. grrrr) and I get woken up at 8am every day by insanely loud drilling! It probably does not sound that bad, but my whole house shakes and since I stay up very late most nights it really wears me out :(.
P.S. My boyfriend is playing Varsity rugby tomorrow (Oxford vs. Cambridge) so please keep your fingers crossed Cambridge win :). It will be live on sky sports 3 at 7.30pm so if you are bored please tune in and support no.15. You may even see me in the crowd supporting the best way I can- light blue eyeshadow hehe :).

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

I have just realised I wasted half my day on this website today so be prepared! But it is so fun!!
New Girl of the Playboy mansion? ;)I want some of these contacts!!Mwahahaha! Wild thang!Only looks good on Sarah Harding.

Enjoy my lovelies :)

My everyday look


Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Shopping in Westfield

I went shopping in Westfield yesterday and just wanted to share my purchases with you as I love reading other people's hauls :).I got a new Lancome Hypnose mascara and an spf30 sunblock for the face. You can see I can't wait till summer!! I then got a free gift which included a cute eyeshadow palette, a juicy tube, some face cleanser, perfume, moisturiser, mini virtuose mascara and a little makeup bag :). Yay for free gifts :).
The swatches for the eyeshadows are below without a base. They are not the most pigmented, but have a nice texture.
From MAC I got the 109 brush, lip lacquer in babied and a cremestick lip liner in sublime culture.

It's a shame I did not have these French Connection earrings when I was doing my Peacock inspired tutorial ;).

I also spotted this top in H&M and had to have it. Who doesn't love Marylin?

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Lilac Awakening

A fun spring look using shimmery green and purple :)

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