Friday, 2 August 2019



Logging into this blog after an extended leave feels like finally meeting an old friend when life has got in the way and you’ve had to reschedule more times than you would want to admit! So much has happened, yet you pick up right where you left off!

If you are one of my old followers who happens to stumble across this – it is so good to see you! How are you?

While being absent from this blog and YouTube I have still been posting on Instagram – mainly life and family, which keeps me busy! Please do come and say Hi @natalyafgm!

As a very brief life update of the last 3 years… After moving and refurbishing our new house I finished redecorating pretty speedily in preparation for our new arrival. Though I feel like the house needs an update already due to its intensive use! I had my son Joshua in January 2017. We had a tough first year following a long (73 hours!) complicated birth, colic, recurrent mastitis and 15 months of intense sleep deprivation, but he is wonderful  - intelligent, sensitive, fun, cheeky and the absolute love of my life! Maxie is now 11- he has had a few tummy issues, but is doing well and has been the most patient big (cat) brother we could have hoped for! I went back to work full time in Jan 2018 and have been doing my best to balance the spinning plates of toddler, career, childcare, home, husband, friends, family... the list seems endless. I rarely feel like I have the right balance, but I know where my priorities are.

I would love to find the time to blog again as a creative outlet for myself, but with working full time and keeping a toddler entertained often any energy I have left after the intense negotiation that is ‘bedtime’ is just enough to watch an episode of Love Island (or Netflix or any other reality TV rubbish that doesn’t involve any brain engagement)!

My interests have also changed, which I think is natural now being at a different stage in my life. Do you still read blogs? What are you interested in? I still love beauty, but it’s a much smaller part of my world and has become pretty routine and time efficient. My main priorities at the moment are health (especially in terms of fertility, which has been a really difficult journey for us), toddler behaviour/ nutrition/development/activities and still having a little fun thrown in so I am not a slave to the routine - which can be beauty, fashion, self-care, fitness, food, fun places to visit.

I have shared so much over the years and feel like it would be nice to speak to you all in my former little corner of the internet! Is there anything in particular that you would find interesting? 

Speak to you soon my lovelies! xxx

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