Saturday, 15 August 2009


My lovelies, I am just posting a quick little update to let you all know that I shall be away for a month as I am flying to Thailand tomorrow in search of adventure. I have been once before in 2005, so when I was given the opportunity to go again I jumped at the chance! Next to London it is my favourite place in the world (not counting the horrible tourist areas) and I am very excited to explore it again.

I am hoping that all this goes to plan as I have been very ill the past week and a half with the dreaded swine, so the past couple of days have been hectic to say the least. However, now the ugly backpacking bag is mostly packed (so little makeup I could cry!!), Maxie has been sent off to his new home (I miss him already), taxi is booked for 6.15am and I am ready to jump into bed for a few hours of much needed sleep.

I shall try to update you from Thailand when I get the chance.

Missing you all

Tuesday, 4 August 2009


Last week I had the most amazing holiday with my lovely bf in Kos, Greece. We stayed at the wonderful blue lagoon all-inclusive resort.

If anyone is looking for a relaxing and romantic holiday destination then I highly recommend it! The prices are pretty reasonable for an all inclusive package, because most of the flights on offer (we booked through first choice) have inconvenient times (our flight back was at 4.30 am).

However, in my opinion it was completely worth it as the hotel was luxurious, the staff were friendly, the food was fantastic and the beach was impeccable. I am sure you can all tell I am very excited and have about a million photos to share with you all :)!!

The view from our balcony of one of the many swimming pools :).

The bridge going over the pool had such lovely views and in the background you can see the dome which featured the nightly entertainment including dancers, singers, fire eaters, stunt men.. and most importantly as many cocktails as you like!!The hotel complex was absolutely huge and we were even driven around in golf buggies, as some areas were a bit of a walk in the heat (45oC!!). This is a photo of our block, which had its own pool and piano bar.
Here we are relaxing after dinner with a couple of blue lagoon cocktails :).
The main pool was amazing, and even staying in the shade I managed to get quite tanned!On our night out in town I chose to wear this tulip dress from Oasis. I love it when you find things in your wardrobe from years ago that you forgot you had... and they still fit :).We found a cocktail bar by the sea and relaxed with a few cocktails before dinner :).
Running around on the beach a la Baywatch :).
I even adopted a little kitteh while I was there :).We also spent a day at Paradise beach :).On our last night we watched the sunset on the beach, which was the perfect way to end our romantic holiday :).Teeheee ;).
Hope you guys enjoyed this post :).
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