Thursday, 4 November 2010

My Birthday(s)

Last Thursday I turned 24! I always get very excited about my Birthday.. so like the Queen I usually have two, or even three ;). As the day itself was midweek I decided to have a little get together at home to celebrate on the weekend and then go to a restaurant on Thursday for a romantic dinner with the bf.

On Sunday we had a 'come dine with me' themed dinner party master-chefed by my lovely bf. As the champagne was flowing I didn't manage to take many pictures, but here are a few of my makeup for the night.
I used crystal avalanche eyeshadow from MAC for the lid and blended a little scene in the crease. I then added reflects teal glitter to go with my blue dress. The lashes are from eyelashesdirect, and are one of my absolute favourites :).
Unfortunately this is the only photo I have where you can see my dress (Zara). Please excuse my claw hand... I have no idea what I was trying to do here lol.
 The bf really outdid himself with my Hummingbird bakery red velvet cake. I absolutely love red velvet cupcakes so this was the most indulgent treat. I had a piece every day for a week and we still couldn't finish it lol ;).

On Thursday I had a bday lunch with the girlies, and even though I was at work I decided to glam up a little bit.
In the evening I kept my makeup the same, but added lashes (from lash royalty) and a smokey eye with MAC's twinks eyeshadow.
For dinner I chose a 'slinky' dress from French Connection with patent KG booties since we were ging to cobbly Covent Garden.
 We had a lovely meal at Cafe des Amis, which I highly recommend and will definitely be returning to.

Teeeheee. Thank you all for the lovely Birthday messages!! Only 359 days to go till the next one... :( xxx


  1. You looked beautiful! The cake looks yummy. The candles are cute too.

  2. red velvet is my fave too!

    looks like you had fun!

  3. Your birthday makeup is absolutely gorgeous, tutorial please!!

  4. you look gorgeous as always! happy belated birthday! =)

  5. happy belated birthday hun!!! You look stunning as always :) and looooove your hair! hope you had gr8 celebrations Mwah!

    Aysh xoxo

  6. Wow, Natalya, you looked absolutely stunning! And I have huge amounts of cake/shoe envy - sensible, really, because eating cake doesn't really affect your shoe size!

  7. Beauuutiful...can't say anything more! x

  8. Lovely post!
    Looks like you had a fabulous birthday - you most certainly looked like a STUNNING birthday girl. Happy Belated birthday xoxo

  9. You look stunning on all pictures and I absolutely LOVE your hair color !!!!

    Ps: Happy Birthday =)


  10. you look amazeballs in these photos! hope you have a great birthday =) xx

    new follower

  11. Aww I can't believe I didn't realise it was your birthday as well!! :( Sorry! Happy Belated Birthday and thank you so much for the birthday wishes! You look really beautiful as usual, and I adore red velvet cupcakes too so I'm so jealous of your cake!! Hope you had a really special day and week :) <3

  12. My God you're gorgeous! Looks like you had a brilliant day!!

  13. your sooo gorgeous! i love yoru red hair :) do you dye it yourself? you should do a tutorial if you do!

  14. Happy belated birthday!!! Your makeup in that first pic looks flawless- that's such a beautiful colour on you!

    Hmmm I kinda want some cake now :)

    Anna xoxo

  15. I picked up some of these false eyelashes after seeing you wearing them - thanks for the heads-up, they look great! :-) have bookmarked your blog for future reading!


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